Friday, July 22, 2011

Deakin University /All Locations

Deakin University /All Locations

While weight, health, diet, and exercise receive constant attention, very little is known about the influences of body image on the choices we make in process of food consumption.
Body image is perceived to be a strong influence in the eating behaviors of women. For example, In 18 to 30 year old women, it has been shown that personal values, vanity, physical health, and perceived body image were major factors of influence in the purchasing and consumption decisions of this group. And to achieve these perceived body images, these people will engage in specific behaviors.

Thus, the findings of this book show that more important than learning the behaviors of helth, we must first help to create that image in the mind of one's perceived body image to fit the behavior we adopt.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tips on How to Become a Fit

Everyone is busy. But, making thirty minutes a day is not too much to ask of any schedule to provide the body with the exercise it needs. One less TV show, waking up a half-hour earlier, or using part of the lunch break from work for a brisk walk are all possible ways to make the time needed to exercise. In reality, virtually everyone who has the capability to move can exercise to some degree

Fitness is more than a matter of body figure

The problem with the society today is that people tend to admire and look up to females who are thin and sexy and to males have brawny, muscular biceps, triceps, and wonderful abs. The upshot is that people tend to exert so much effort in exercise not because they want to be healthy and fit but because they want to like the fitness models that they see in TV, posters, and magazines. To be fit, you should start working your way to a healthier you. After all, being fit does not necessarily mean you have to have a “fashion-model” body size.

You are what you eat

If you want to be healthy and fit, you have to understand that our body shows the foods we eat. Your body will also reflect the kind of physical activity lifestyle theat you lead. Hence, unless you accept to live by this truth, chances are, you will find it hardto have a body that is healthy and fit.

Live a healthy lifestyle

Genes may serve a role in health. But these do not certainly influence what one eats or the kind of activity that you will engage in. Hence, if your lifestyle will not be healthy, chances are, you can never be a fit. Have a positive self image To be healthy and to reach high fitness goals, you have to incorporate a positive body image. This means to love your body regardless of what others say or other negative influences. Never wish for a body that is not yours. Love your body whether you have thin legsor not. Through a healthy positive self-image, you respect leanr yourself, which attracts the respect of others.

The key idea

A beautiful body is more than vanity and physical attributes.
Instead, what matters most is the beauty of being fit in a healthy body that radiates love and respect for self.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Health Tips for Women

Here are a few tips for women to be healthy while getting fit.

Being fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet.
Know and monitor the right weight for your age. Speak with a doctor to learn the foods you should avoid and follow a proper eating routine. If you are trying to lose weight, foods with high calories should be replaced with food with high fiber and low fat content.

Drink plenty of water.
Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday cleanses the body from impurities. It is also advised for lactating women to increase water intake to keep the body hydrated.

Take Vitamins and Supplements.
Rememberyour Calcium supplement. Sufficient calcium is beneficial for women of all ages. This has been proven to reduce cramping and other Pre-Menstrual Period (PMS) Symptoms. It also prevents Osteoporosis, especially for menopausal women. Vitamin E boosts strong immune system. Women experiencing menopause should takeVitamin E-400, to help prevent night sweats, hot flashes, and wrinkles when aging.

Don't Smoke.
If you are smoking, stop. This is also a big “NO BRAINER” for pregnant women, as this will affect the health of the baby. Pregnant women who smoke may pass the harmful content of cigarettes to their babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women who smoke are more prone to diseases than male smokers. Women who smoke increase their risks of breast cancer.

Incorporate exercises in your daily routine.
Go for a walk after work, use the stairs when possible. And play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also effective, especially when you lack the time to go to the gym, Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many exercises you can do at home. Exercising helps limit the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Avoid stress.
Many women are prone to stress. Stress has been known to be the root of many diseases. As much as possible, take time to relax, read a good book, hang out with friends and engage into sports. Pamper yourself by going to parlors or you can do some shopping. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive your energy.

Use sunscreen.
Wear hats when in the sun to protect the skin. Too much sun is bad. The skin is prone to cancer when exposed to too much sunlight. It also speeds up the skin's aging and speeds the formation of wrinkles. So, regardless of color or skin type, use proper amounts of sun protection when going outside on those sunny days.

Visit your Gynecologist.
Women who are eighteen and above should have their Physical Examination each year, especially for a Pap Smear test. Women who are forty and older should have regular mammograms. Breast self-exams are encouraged starting at puberty and should become a regular practice.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Basic Exercise And Training Variables

Basic Exercise And Training Variables

Effective exercise and training programs derive from basic principles that assist one in reaching fitness goals. It may be known may be known in various terms and is achieved through different means, but there exist basic principles in all successful exercise and fitness plans. Learning and using them in your own fitness regimen can help you become more effective in reaching your desired results.

The effectiveness of your exercise routine will depend on certain factors. How you apply these factors in your training plan, will help determine how fast you can reach your goals.

Here are four exercise variables that you should consider when creating your own fitness regimen.

Exercise Variables

Exercise Frequency- this refers to how often you exercise. The frequency will allow you to develop an exercise regimen that you can go into for a certain period on, let us say, a weekly basis. If you plan to work out for two days in a week, you can speed up getting results by adding another day of exercise for the week.

Exercise Intensity- This refers to the level of physical activity of your exercise program. How hard you push yourself on each exercise session is also a factor in the effectiveness of an exercise and training program. For example, determining between bouts of jogging running and walking on one session would have different results. Doing more running rather than short bouts of walking or jogging would certainly have a different result from walking through each session most of the time.

Type of Exercise- This refers to the type of exercise included in your regimen. There are different types of exercises to choose from with each type being able to build up a certain part of the body better than the other. Knowledge of these types of exercises can help you develop a certain regimen that can be focused on improving target portions of the body.

Duration of Exercise- This refers to the time that is spent in doing the exercises. How long you stay in doing each exercise session will ultimately determine how fast or how slow that you get results. It may also be required to determine the duration of the exercise program along with the other exercise variables in order to either avoid injury or improve results.

These exercise and training variables can be used to develop a specific exercise program that would allow better performance as well as results. You may be able to start by using the different exercise variables in a way that is most fitting to you.  Along the way, you can then change any or all of these variables to either increase the efficiency as well as to reach the target results. The variables can also serve to alternate the exercise program to make it more interesting if you become bored with the routine.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Home Exercise Or Going To The Gym - What is best for me?

Making the decision where to exercise represents an important step in reaching your fitness goals. Many factors may contribute to determine this decision. Once one has decided where to exercise, then can one establish a fitness plan to reach one's fitness aims. In this article, we will examine the differences between exercising from home, or in the fitness gym.

Exercising at home cost no additional membership fee. And, when one chooses home as the base for fitness, one will not have to pay extra auto expenses such as parking and benzine. One will also save the time used to travel to the gym. Some people find that time could be used jogging or doing some other activity. There are, however, costs one will face when exercising at home. The equipment one may purchase will have its cost. But, that cost need not be much. There are very few items one truly needs to be fit from home. An inexpensive exercise band, a pair of running shoes, and if desired, an aerobic DVD and free weights. Also,at home, you can be alone. This privacy is very important for those who find it uncomfortable to exercise around other people. And, you can save travel time used going to and returning from the gym.

Memberships to a gym, one the other hand, can be quite costly. And, if you do not like the gym for any reason, you may experience difficulty trying to cancel your membership. But, a gym offers the social atmosphere that one does not get from home. Some people are motivated by being with others, or are driven by the sense of community found amongst those who share a specific course or exercise routine. Also, these types of classes are what some people need for motivation. If one attends a class regularly, it may be the element needed to keep you committed to your exercise routine. Or, the people in the class can become a support group to help you remain focused on your health pursuits. Some people need friendships with those who share a similar lifestyle of health and fitness. For these people, staying at home will never be enough to get what they truly need. Another advantage found in the gym is the exercise equipment, the average gym will have a much better selection than the average home. For the person who becomes bored quickly, a gym may offer the better option with its variety from which to choose.

To make the choice of exercising at home or at the gym should be based on one's goals and personal preference. One should really determine the type of environment needed based on his or her personality and how he or she desires to accomplish his or her the fitness goals. Afterwords, there should be no problem making this decision.